Jørgen Nørgaard

Jørgen NørgaardJørgen Nørgaard

Jørgen Nørgaard is honored with the award ‘ELLE Prisen’ 2014 . ‘ELLE Prisen’ is given at the ELLE Style Awards to a person who has made something spectacular for Danish fashion for a number of years.

Jørgen Nørgaard has been one of the greatest pioneers in Danish fashion ever since he opened ’Nørgaard paa Strøget’ in Copenhagen in 1958. In 1967 Jørgen designed the iconic ’101’ rib t-shirt that has been a fashion evergreen ever since and which is now sold in more than 3 million copies. Today Nørgaard paa Strøget is run by Jørgen’s son Mads Nørgaard. The iconic ‘101’ t-shirt is still designed with Jørgen in the design team.

I have know the iconic Nørgaard t-shirt since I was a child (and that is a long time ago…) and it is still very popular here in Denmark. It is available here.

Udgivet i 13. Miscellaneous og tagget , .

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