
Hundertwasser HundertwasserHundertwasser.

Today I saw a Hundertwasser exhibition at Arken together with my family. Especially these two pictures caught my attention.

The title of the first one is ‘Window Right’ (1986/1988) and the title of the second one is ‘Homage to Van Gogh’ (1998).

I want to show how basically simple it is to have paradise on earth‘. These are the words of the Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928-2000). Seeking to make the world a better place through paintings, manifestos and a more human architecture, Hundertwasser materializes paradise in brightly coloured paintings, fantastical buildingns and a unique brand of eco-activism embracing everything from humus-toilet manifestos and tree-planting actions to plant-based root-zone treatment systems.

Udgivet i 09. Designers, 13. Miscellaneous og tagget , .

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